Monday, October 27, 2008

Repulsive human nature

I went to Watson's Warehouse Sales at South City Plaza with Snoopy and bro. It's quite disappointing actually. I thought it is going to be a great bargain of which i have had heard so much of.

Prior to this, i have been to a few warehouse sales especially those near my uni in PJ. Most often than not, i enjoyed it and i've managed to get myself plenty of stuffs at ridiculously low prices compared to the market price. And i left as a happy girl. Most of the time.

Who don't like sales and discounts??? Who don't like to pay less but get more??? Well i do. Most warehouse sales i've been to were quite systematic and the people there were quite nice and understanding. BUT it's not the same in this case.

1) There's not many things sold (as in varieties). I practically only saw mountains of disposable men's brief, variety of colours and sizes combs, and deodorants of different sorts of brands, and some un-branded lippies.

2) The stuffs were all quite dirty and unappetizing. You'll feel like looking for the nearest washroom to wash your hand once you've touch the stuff there.

3) the patrons there.

Left with nothing to buy that's worthy of lining up and waiting in the queue for at least 30minutes, we started to observe the whole place, the people and the situation.

It is unspeakable.

It is THAT appalling!

The floor was dirty, and quite a few products was thrown scattered on the floor where people accidentally stepped on it, kicked it or plain ignored it. Some gooey stuff (suspecting shampoo) was found sticking on the floor and other's unknowing shoes that accidentally stepped onto it.

AND the people. The people was the worst of all!

warehouse sales = dirt cheap price
warehouse sales = horrible attitude????

The patrons there were mostly made up of aunties, "see lai" (housewives in cantonese) and girls from all ages with their bf/hubby walking in their footsteps. SOME women, are just downright embarrassing. They spoke ever so loudly, push around others and even grabbed things like 'mama bear'.

Apparently it seems that every half hour or so there will be new items throw out into the selling bins. So every now and then, there might be new items available. So what this women do, they just hogged the bins with all their friends and relatives waiting there in order to be the first to dig.

Some even go to the extend of calling the Indian staff who was in the midst of sorting out the goods to give out stuffs earlier or just for them. They called him "ah-ne". RUDE aren't they??? One woman even throw and empty box to him for him to fill up (which he ignores). I really thinks that she was so unreasonable and rude. Bad example for her children that was around to witness all this.

Worse still, some women even go to the extend of ruining things which she don't want. There's this woman, who cleaned her goods (i've mentioned earlier that most of the goods there were unexplainable dirty) with a soft toy!!!

Those soft toys were clearly meant for sale!!! Some people might find it cheap and cute and decided to buy it. But this woman, go and use that soft toy and clean her hand and also her goods!!! After she finished, she just throw back that now dirtied soft toy back into the selling bin.

Can you believe it???? She looked quite elegant and educated mind you. Those who were not highly educated i still can keep one eye close, but this is just so unbelievable!

People can be so inconsiderate at times. Bordering on evil and nasty too.

I mean, if you don't want it, at least don't go and ruin it la, just because this is a warehouse sales, doesn't mean you can do what you want right?

At this point, we cannot stomached it anymore, and we left empty handed. But we felt that we are much richer in the sense that we did not stooped down to their low level.

From here, we have learned that human evil nature will come out when money is involved. And trust me, it can be very dark and repulsive.

No photos were taken because it was just too repulsive and i don't have the heart to do it.

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