Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Haizzzzzzzzz. . . . . . . . . .

Im back to learning history. Again! If there's any subject drier than this, i can't think of. History. His-story. whatever!

Generally im not someone who finds history repulsive. However, history of PR? Well, i just can't seems to understand it. Hopefully as i read more i'll understand it better. I have to understand it because it's coming out in quiz. Quiz 1 will be on next week itself. Bother!

history aside, i'm glad that today i've made the right decision. Even though some may think its wrong, but hey, as if they can do better like that. Usually also all talks but no action de la... Always act as though they are so goody-goody, but in actual fact, who knows?

Tonight i don't have any homework so i guess i can play some games and watch a few episodes of Bleach hehe;p

Of course, i will still read up on my PR history as well ;)

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