I am so darn sleepy today. Goodness gracious! I did not have a good sleep yesterday. In fact, I had nightmares!
At one point of the night, I woke up to find a sore, stiff neck because my pillow is no longer cushioning my head. My pillow was actually "stolen" away from me n flung off a side. No prize quessing who's deed. Not the first time anyway *sweat*
Then throughout the night I had nightmares. I dreamt that I was on the verge of not making it to my flight. In fact, I was late and yet still at home and not at the airport yet. Furthermore, I had not packed my bag. I was in a state of panic already.
Then the dream jump to another scene where I have not tender my resignation and I was about to fly. Again I was in a panic state as I have just realised that I have make a wrong flight booking on the date or that I have neglected to inform my management about it.
Just about any possible bad things that might happened before I can actually board the flight, happened in my dreams.
So imagine my horror!
This is really a bad, bad dream.!
I wonder why would I dreamt all these things now? Is it some sort of unconscious wake up call? So that I shouldn't procrastinate so much?
Let's just hope, by March come, everything will be smooth sailing please.
Good bless!
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